Friday, June 20, 2014

Zesty Italian Chicken

Every time I go to the grocery store I stock up in the produce section as if I were feeding 10. There are only 2 of us. I think that I am mentally more healthy if the food is simply in my cart. I have found it does not directly work that way. The problem with healthy stuff is that it will go bad {and sooner than you every expect} So I buy all of this "good" food but what good does it do me if it goes bad before I finally get to it, because like every human being I snack on the thinks I like first and then eventually get to the spinach, celery, and cottage cheese. I have found this bad habit and I am trying HARD to break it or at least not let things go bad! For me that means freezing fruit right before it goes bad {for delicious smoothies yumm}, cooking meals with ingredients that are fresh first, and eating unique plates of food.

When my husband saw tonight's dinner he said "oh wow that looks fancy". Little does he know that I just don't want my spinach to go bad and I am sick of spinach salads. Spinach is not a favorite of mine so any time I eat it I feel the need to drowned it in flavors, usually fatty salad dressing. Tonight that has changed. I enjoyed replacing some of my pasta with spinach and the marinara sauce tasted delicious on it! The best part is I didn't have to drowned  with a fatty sauce! 

This dinner was a win win win win. 1.) My spinach will not go bad 2.) I replaced the calories of the pasta with the calories of spinach 3.) I found a way I genuinely enjoy spinach with out having a gallon of dressing, and lastly 4.) My husband thinks I cooked fancy for him.
{i feel bad he thinks this looks fancy}
 my cooking must not be aesthetically pleasing at all... poor guy
Ohh and it is super EASY!


Servings: 2 ( perfect  for date night)
Preparation Time: 50 minutes (including 30 minute marinade time)

  • 4 Chicken Tenderloins* (about 1/2 pound)
  • 1/4 Cup Italian Dressing
  • 2 Portions Pasta 
  • 1 Cup Pasta Sauce
  • 2 Cups Baby Spinach Leaves
  • 2 Tbsp Parmesan Cheese, grated
  1. Marinate chicken in Italian dressing for at least 30 minutes prior to cooking.
  2. Preheat grill to high. Prepare pasta according to its package directions.
  3. Place marinated chicken on grill and cook about 5 minutes; turn and grill for about 5 more minutes, until no longer pink in the center. 
  4. In a small saucepan, warm pasta sauce over medium heat
  5. Divide spinach between two plates. Layer portion of warm pasta and grilled chicken over spinach leaves.
  6.  Top with pasta sauce and Parmesan.
  7. Serve HOT!
**I use chicken tenderloins for a few reasons
- Cheaper to buy in bulk than chicken breast. (if looking at it pound to pound)
-Thaws faster
-Cooks faster
-Easily absorbs a lot of flavors

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